School Visits
Great Dixter is a fantastic place for a school trip. The beautiful flower-rich gardens are a haven for biodiversity, and provide varied opportunities for cross -curricular activities to support pupils learning and bring classroom subjects to life.
We have a great accessible indoor education room which is available for lunches as well as for focused activities and to store belongings during the day.
Most visits incorporate a trip to the garden and the woods where there will be time for child-led play. Catherine tailor-makes visits depending on your topic, and the time of year. She is a qualified level 3 Forest School Practitioner, has a Bsc in Ecology and has over 10 years experience as an outdoor educator.
School visits to Great Dixter cost from £6.50 per child, which includes a full day of planned activity with the Education Officer, Catherine as well as use of the education room at Dixter Farm for lunch and as part of planned activities. Timings for the day are flexible- the longer you can come the better!
Because we want this special place to be accessible to all, we now offer free visits to any child in receipt of a Pupil Premium.
As the garden is small, we normally only accept a maximum of one class in a day (though we may be able to take a coach load and split the group). Accompanying adults are free of charge.
To book a visit or discuss your group’s needs, please contact Education Officer, Catherine Haydock: at [email protected] or tel: 01797 334042.
How the Day is Organised
Coaches will meet in the car park at the arranged time and groups accompanied down the track for an introductory talk in our education room at Dixter Farm. Toilet facilities are available. Staff in charge of visiting educational parties are advised that the Great Dixter Charitable Trust holds them fully responsible for the conduct of all members of their party during their visit.
The school must provide accompanying adults to meet LEA recommendations.
What to bring
Children should be dressed for the outdoors in suitable clothing for wet, cold or hot weather. Long trousers and sleeves are recommended. Footwear should be comfortable and appropriate for long distance walking. Waterproofs are essential even in the Summer. Please ensure children use sun cream and wear sun hats during hot weather.
Children need to bring packed lunches and sufficient liquid to drink, preferably water. Drinks should be in resealable screw top bottles, not cans or cartons. Lunches should be carried in a strong bag or backpack that can be carried down to the woods (a 15 minute walk).
In warmer weather, you may want to provide mosquito repellent when visiting the woods.
Health and Safety
All groups will be provided with a risk assessment for planned activities before your visit. Please ensure that you provide the education officer with any specific needs for your group before the visit and produce a risk assessment that covers any needs or known behaviours. All teachers are encouraged to come on a visit to Great Dixter (offered free of charge) to familiarise themselves with the site. Please follow this link for additional health and safety information.
Secondary Schools, Colleges and Universities.
We can work with your group to support self-led visits, or run programmes for you linked to curriculum topics. There are also limited opportunities for work experience placements.
We are also able to offer visits for horticultural colleges and students studying land-based courses at various levels.
Please contact us for further information: [email protected]