Growing and integrating summer bedding for late season interest

Introducing summer bedding to your borders is an excellent way to extend your garden’s season, maintaining interest and colour into the autumn. At Great Dixter we grow summer bedding plants from seed as well as using tender perennials and hardy subtropical plants to keep the display going. This day will teach you how to choose and grow summer bedding from seed and cuttings, how to use and manage tender plants and how subtropical plants can be used your borders 

The day will include:

A discussion and demonstration on compost mixes and how to tweak off the shelf composts for best results. 

Summer bedding seed choice. 

Seed sowing demonstration- how to sow seeds and the advantages of growing your own.

Seed sowing timing 

Pricking out- timing and management

Managing tender plants and subtropicals- cuttings and overwintering 

Storing dahlias and cannas 

Cold frame management – cold weather, shading, watering, pests and diseases 

Planting out, design and space. 

£160 for the day. Includes lunch, tea, coffee and cake. 

Timings 10am-4pm

The course will be led by Dixter gardeners Coralie Thomas and Michael Wachter who bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge from our borders.

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8 September 2025 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Great Dixter House and Gardens, Northiam, TN31 6PH