Growing hardy annuals from seed

At Great Dixter, we use hardy annuals throughout the garden to fill gaps between permanent planting and create a strong early season in the garden. 

Hardy annuals bridge the June gap after bulbs have finished and before summer perennials have started flowering. This extra layer will be a vital resource of pollen and nectar for a wide variety of insects and can create hotspots for biodiversity in the garden.

Sowing hardy annuals in the autumn shifts the work away from the spring and is a low cost and sustainable way to get robust plants that flower for longer. On this day, we will look at how to sow, grow, and use them in an exciting way in the garden and you will go home with a good understanding of 25 of our favourite hardy annuals.

Potting compost – how to amend shop bought compost

Hardy annual seed choice

Seed sowing demonstration

Pricking out – timing and management

Planting out, design and space

£160 for the day. Includes lunch, tea, coffee and cake.

Timings 10:00- 4:00

The course will be led by Dixter gardeners Coralie Thomas and Michael Wachter who bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge from our borders.

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21 October 2025 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Great Dixter House and Gardens, Northiam, TN31 6PH